If your apartment is managed by 3113 Surfers Paradise (Letting Pool) then we will look after any internal repairs and maintenance requirements which may occur from time to time. The cost for any work will be charged to your pooled Maintenance Fund.
If your apartment is managed by 3113 Surfers Paradise (Long Term Rental) then we will look after any internal repairs and maintenance requirements which can be deducted from your end of month statement.
Direct access to Hilton Surfers Paradise Additional Services which includes Engineering and Housekeeping Services. To further assist, 3113 also use contractors who are qualified and knowledgeable of the Hilton infrastructure, machinery and appliances.
Excellent response times to both owner and tenant enquiries and emergencies.
No hidden charges and only standard REIQ fees apply. Prompt service for tenants and prospective tenants.
For owner occupiers - If you require any assistance for repairs or maintenance inside your apartment you can contact our operations team who can provide Hilton's schedule of rates, charges and facilitate repairs. If you do not wish to use Hilton for this service please coordinate your repairs directly.